Saturday, November 23, 2013

Love/Hate Update 11/23

Things are still rough going, for a lot of reasons I'm still not comfortable sharing.  But for some reason, I still want to try to keep blogging with some sort of regularity, so here's another love/hate update.

-all the wonderful people I get to work with in my church's Christmas play, "It's a Wonderful Life: The Musical".  It's been tiring, but fun.  I'm in the chorus and loving it.  If you're going to be in MinneSNOWta for the holidays, you should come see it! 

-the relief that comes from working through hefty crap that's had a hold on me for years

-having a healthy marriage where working through things trumps fear of getting divorced

-cats.  They make life more bearable.  The last known case of someone being crabby while a cat purred at them was never.

-growing closer with my wonderful sister as we get older.  Also loving the fact that she'll be in town for BOTH major holidays this year!

-"Monty Python's Flying Circus".  The hubby and I are getting hooked on it.  It's a bit crude at times, (ok, sometimes a lot crude), but it's hilarious.  We've been making up our own versions of the lumberjack song. No, we're not weird or anything! :p

-this past year.  It's had its good points, but it's also been full of pain, change, and loss.  Can we be done with this year, please?

-the fact that said pain, change, and loss is bringing old habits and strongholds out of the woodwork.

-the fact that my wonderful sister doesn't exactly live nearby

-spiritual constipation.  There's been a lot of it lately.

Between the play and the holidays coming up, I might hit a new low for posts.  In case that ends up happening, I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season!  Take care!