Sunday, November 17, 2013

Progression of My Views on Technology

Unlike the generations that will follow me, I have memories of life before the technological revolution.  Generally speaking, I hate change, and therefore I was pretty resistant to most of the technological milestones I've seen.  Here is a timeline of my oh so positive responses to each milestone, and how I eventually responded.

"Why would anyone put a computer game on a CD?"  (1995, age 7.  Just a few short years later, I had a whole collection of games.)

"Who needs the internet?  Why would two computers need to talk to each other?" At age 8. (I now run my own online Etsy shop.)  

"Why would anyone use a 'car phone'?" Around age 8-9, back before they were called cell phones.  (I've had my own cell phone since I was 16.)

"What's the point of digital photography?" Around age 14.  (Now I take digital pictures all the time, and haven't ordered any prints since my husband and I ordered wedding photos.)

"Text messaging is so stupid!"  At age 16, after getting my first cell phone.  (Now that my hearing and speech perception are going down the crapper, I text way more than I talk.)

"Who needs an Ipod touch?"  Me at 18-19.  (Registered for one as a wedding gift just 4 years later.)

"Iphones are the most pointless things ever!"  (Irritated at having the Ipod separate from my phone, and having to always carry both devices everywhere, I will be getting my first Iphone when I upgrade my phone in a few months.)

I also used to balk at the idea of using any type of electronic calendar, but now I use the one on the Ipod constantly and look forward to experimenting with other apps once i have my Iphone.  

Yay for technological progress! :)