Sunday, January 19, 2014

Hearing Loss and Romantic Relationships

I just completed a survey on hearing loss and relationships, and I realized I have a few things to say about this, so I'm doing a blog post about it.

In one sense, dating relationships are no different than any other relationship. Just like with non-romantic relationships, you will get a lot further if you are honest about your needs and communicate them in a constructive way. Since communication is especially paramount for dating relationships, it's important to be honest about your communication needs with your significant other. And since technology is improving every day, wireless communication is getting a lot easier and more affordable for the deaf and hard of hearing population.

I have chatted with a lot of deaf and hard of hearing people about relationships (romantic or otherwise), and I've come to the following conclusion: Hearing loss does not cause relational conflict. It's a symptom that something deeper is wrong. When both parties have effective communication, hearing loss is an inconvenience at most. If your significant other is constantly being inconsiderate of your communication/accessibility needs, that's not a sign that they have problems with your hearing loss. That's a sign of selfishness, woundedness or any number of problems that have nothing to do with your hearing loss.

I know this sounds so simple, but honestly, I think it really IS that simple.