Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Comparison Addiction

The idea of comparing ourselves to others is not new.  Heck, “thou shall not covet” made it into the 10 Commandments, for crying out loud.  Isn’t coveting really just code for comparing ourselves to others?  Maybe we don’t always get jealous of physical possessions or apperance.  Maybe we’re jealous of more abstract things, like strengths and character traits.  I’m having one of those moods where my personality feels like a cosmic joke, and I wish I could be anyone else.  Thanks to Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram, comparison just got a lot easier, and a lot more addicting.

Yes, addicting.  Comparison is, essentially a spiritual drug addiction.  It impairs our judgment and our ability to make sound choices.  We lose our true selves to who we think we “should” be.  We know it’s bad for us, but we keep wanting more. 

If the church looked at comparison as a drug addiction, how would that change the way we see ourselves and everyone else?  Gotta wonder…