Friday, February 28, 2014

New Blog Category: Kiddo Quotes

I am doing childcare again, on an extremely part-time basis (more about this in a different post) and I decided that it's high time I created a blog category devoted to the freakin' hilarious things that kids say. These posts won't be all that structured or organized, and they'll usually be pretty short. I'll pop on and share a kiddo quote after it happens, or after I remember ones from awhile back.

Here are a couple from today:
(Background: I was working with 2-year-old E. on saying “no, thanks.”)
Me: E, please stop jumping on the couch and sit nicely.
E (in the most angelic tone you could imagine): No, thanks!”

E: I wanna read this book.
Me: Okay, let's put it in my lap so I can see the words.
E: No, I'll read this book and you read that one by yourself!

Apparently independent reading is starting younger and younger these days!