Sunday, August 25, 2013

What's in a Name?

 As is the case with most teenagers, I had a lot of issues with organized religion before I became a Christian.  The main issue I had was this idea of naming G-d.  Regardless of people’s belief systems, I didn’t understand how anyone could think that there’s any name that could fully scratch the surface of this infinite life source. 

After going to church for 9 years, I realized I STILL have issue with some aspects of organized religion, and especially with this idea of naming G-d.  It’s not so much that I think people SHOULDN’T try to name G-d or meditate on the various names found in Scripture.  I just really hate the idea of settling for that, as if that’s all there is. 

And that is why I am going back to writing G-d instead of spelling out the word.  I’m not going to write out the whole word because there is no way we can get the whole picture of who He is on this side of eternity.