Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Love/Hate Update for 8/27/13

-Making sun tea.  So far I’ve done green tea infused with spearmint.  Right now I’m working on a jar that’s infused with a cinnamon stick. 

-the new dustbuster.  Not to sound like a Stepford wife or something, but it really does help keep the apartment cleaner!

-my upcoming Hebrew Heritage class through Light of Menorah Ministries


-the heat

-sharing my home with a warm, cuddly furball who does not understand the concept of limiting all physical contact to air hugs when it’s this hot

-the fact that most Christians don’t have the faintest idea that Jesus was an orthodox Jew, and that “Jesus” is not a Hebrew name  Running out of things to say to these people.  Or, more accurately, I’m running out of NICE things to say to these people.  (For the record, Jesus’ Hebrew name was Yeshua.  The English equivalent is Joshua.)

-feeling spiritually constipated.  Feeling like no matter what I do, someone out there will think it’s not enough, that I’m a horrible Christian for any number of reasons, blah blah blah