Monday, August 12, 2013

Buying Hearing Aids Online

 I recently bought a new pair of hearing aids online.  As I expected, several well-intentioned people questioned the safety and the efficacy of that choice, so I decided to do a blog entry about it.

Buying my hearing aids from Lloyd Hearing Aid saved a ton of money as well as time.  You take a hearing test online with headphones or earbuds, and they can program your hearing aids according to that audiogram.

In my opinion, buying hearing aids online is a perfectly viable option for people who have had their hearing loss formally diagnosed by an audiologist, have used at least one pair of hearing aids, and know how to read an audiogram.  I felt good about the decision to purchase my new aids online because I fit this criteria.  I could have had my old hearing aids reprogrammed, but they were having some problems and I wanted a pair that could use rechargeable batteries, so I took the plunge and got new ones.  I’m so glad I did!  (I’ll be doing another post on my new hearing aids for anyone who’s interested.)

I absolutely do NOT advocate ordering hearing aids online if you have never had your hearing loss formally diagnosed.  If you already use hearing aids but are experiencing sudden severe or profound hearing loss as a result of illness or injury, I would get that checked out before ordering new hearing aids.