Sunday, August 18, 2013

Bird Conspiracy Complex

A few weeks ago, my husband and I got a new car.  It was time to say goodbye to his '94 Saturn, and with his current work schedule we can't be a one-car couple right now without some serious headaches.  We really wanted an SUV, and we found the model we wanted at the price we wanted, thanks to my church networking group.  

Now, I am not a car person, or a driving person.  I never really enjoyed driving to begin with, and having a serious accident made me like it even less.  But I fell head over heels in love with our new car.  I feel so much more comfortable when I drive now.  When we got this car, a teeny part of me understood (sort of) why some people get so into cars.  Seriously, I was having a love affair with this car.

Which was why I was less than thrilled to find that some bird had left a gift right in the middle of my windshield earlier this week.  

If the bird crap had been anywhere else on my windshield, it wouldn't have fazed me.  I would've thought, "Meh, everybody poops" and leave it at that.  But there is no such thing as accidentally pooping right in the middle of a windshield.  I mean, really.  Think about all the things you can do by accident.  You can accidentally miss your exit.  You can accidentally forget to clean the litterbox.    You can accidentally slip on a banana peel.  But you can't accidentally poop right in the middle of someone's windshield.  

So to quote Taylor on Gilmore Girls, "I dare say these birds seem to be doing it on purpose."  

Yeah, I'm mature :P.