Tuesday, July 16, 2013

An Angry Owl Moment

 If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s getting worked up at the drop of a hat.  If I’m upset with someone, it takes every ounce of my willpower to not give them the business end of a hissyfit.  My loved ones know this all too well.

My husband and I have started referring to hissyfits as “angry owl moments,” both because we saw this video and because Esther’s ears go back like an owl if she freaks out over a loud noise. 

Side note #1: Esther is our cat, not a human child.  Just thought I would throw that in there to avoid giving new readers disturbing mental images, haha!

Side note #2: Although I am not diabetic, I do have hypoglycemic tendencies as a result of having struggled with an eating disorder, so I can identify with this video. I have no idea why the phrase “angry owl moment” works, but it does.

Okay, now that I have the side notes out of the way, I am going to share the angry owl moment I had earlier today.  I have been throwing fits over little things since I first figured out how to yell.  But now that I’m at the ripe old age of 25, my angry owl moments are much shorter and I’m laughing at myself a lot more than I used to.

Today I was really feeling the need for rest, so I’d resolved to do only the basic chores and then tuck in with a book.  Suddenly the intercom buzzed, causing Esther’s owl persona to emerge.  Now, there are a couple things you have to know about this intercom.  One, it’s so loud the deaf population of Tanzania can probably hear it.  Second of all, it’s broken in such a way that I can talk to the person at the door but all I get is static when they talk.  So if someone buzzes, I have to walk down there to find out what they want.  I didn’t see a UPS truck and I wasn’t expecting a package. So I chalked it up to young whippersnappers playing with the intercom buttons AGAIN, and decided it wasn’t worth wasting my precious energy to go outside and get barbecued.  

When Justin came home from work, he found a UPS notice on the front door.  I went into angry owl mode in a heartbeat.  Seriously?!  How can there be a UPS package without a UPS truck??  Who, besides kids, buzzes an intercom more than once?  What the heck is in this package, anyway?  I didn’t order a package!

Then we went online and found out that the package contains our new Red Cross emergency radio.  We’d ordered one ages ago and it was defective, so we asked for a replacement.  Now, after what feels like decades, apparently we’re finally getting one.  The angry owl moment continued:  Why are they only just replacing it now?  Why couldn’t they just send us one that worked in the first place and save both of us a lot of trouble??  Do they know how many storms we’ve had to go through without this thing??  Is everyone in the world completely incompetent??

At this point, Esther decided to bring me back to reality with a cold nose on my leg.  I started laughing at myself, and I couldn’t stop.  Being able to laugh at my angry owl moments is a huge milestone. 

If you struggle with angry owl moments, don’t despair.  They happen to the best of us.  The older you get, the easier it will get to laugh at yourself and move on :)