Thursday, June 27, 2013

Natural Homemade Shampoo and Conditioner

I'm trying to get more intentional about sharing the recipes I've found/invented for natural health care and household products.  In this post, I'll share the recipes I use for homemade shampoo and conditioner.

Before I started covering my hair full time, other women were constantly asking me how I got my hair to be so soft.  I always want to laugh when people ask me that, because I know that my answer will horrify them:  I don't wash my hair every day, and when I do, I don't use commercial shampoo.  In the summer I wash my hair about every 2-3 days.  In the winter, I wash it about every 3-4 days.  (My hair is extremely dry, so I can get away with washing it a little less often than a person with oily hair.)  I don't use styling products.  I don't use a blow-dryer; I just let my hair dry naturally.  If I happen to take a shower at night, I just braid my hair and leave it braided until it dries.  

Here are my recipes for shampoo and conditioner.  They work best if you use spray bottles.  These recipes can easily be doubled or tripled to fit larger spray bottles.

-3/4 cup almond or coconut milk
-1/2 cup natural baby shampoo (I use Burt's Bees, but you can use any brand you want.  Just don't use straight-up castile soap if you live in a city with hard water.  The minerals in the water will react with the soap and make your hair all gunky and gross.  Learned that one the hard way.)

Pour milk and baby shampoo into a spray bottle and shake well.  I have always stored my shampoo right in the shower and I've never had any problems with mold developing.  If your bottle develops mold, throw the shampoo out, start over, and keep it in the fridge.  But it should hold up just fine.

 -1 cup water
-1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

Shake well.  Spritz all over your hair in the shower and comb with a wide-tooth comb.  Rinse thoroughly.

For a deep conditioner, I use coconut oil.  I use it instead of body lotion.  After I've put it on, while my hands still have some oil on them, I run my fingers through my hair, and that's plenty.  With coconut oil, less is more.  It can easily get to be too much and too greasy if you try to add more. 

A reader pointed out that I'd forgotten to include where to buy the ingredients.  Thanks, E!  All of them can be purchased online.  Coconut oil is available at whole food stores.  I think some Trader Joe's locations carry it.  Burts Bees baby shampoo and (pasteurized) apple cider vinegar are both available at most grocery stores.  I haven't used raw ACV before, but I think you can find it online or at whole food stores.  Coconut and almond milk are both available at most grocery stores, but almond milk is usually easier to find.