Sorry I've been a bit MIA again lately. God's been doing a LOT of work in this girl's heart, and lots of preparing for a new season! I would love to tell you all about it right now, but I'm getting the firm sense that now is not the time. You'll all hear about it once God gives me the go-ahead, I can assure you! :)
For now I want to answer one of the frequently asked questions I get all the time about living the simple life. I'm hoping to turn this into sort of a series. If you're reading this and want to ask me a question about the simple life, by all means go for it! The only catch is I'm going to post the question and my answer here on my blog for all to see :).
The question I want to address today is: "What is the hardest part about living simply?"
My answer takes a lot of people by surprise. They expect me to give an answer like "giving up hair gel" or "giving up fashionable clothes" or "fielding everyone's questions about living differently." The truth is, those things really only bother me once in a while for a quick moment. Those aren't the hardest parts.
The hardest part of living a simple life is learning to say no.
We are taught to over-commit from day one. Children who are in way too many extra-curricular activities are put on pedestals as models of "success." Children who are in fewer activities are written off as maladjusted or socially inadequate.
I'm going to say something that I know will ruffle a lot of feathers.
Busyness is unbiblical.
Our souls were not created for all the demands we place on them. True, we should renounce laziness and be intentional about doing the things God asks us to do. But if we're being honest, most of us are doing a lot of things that He hasn't asked us to do. We try to get around that cold hard truth by only doing activities that have the "Christian" label, and our souls are paying dearly.
In closing, I want to challenge you to prayerfully evaluate your life and your schedule and ask God what He wants you to say no to. I'm almost positive there will be at least one thing. Also, let me assure you, once you give it up, you will wonder why you didn't so sooner ;).