Friday, July 26, 2013

The One Time I Actually WANT Someone to think I'm 17

I'm one of those people who couldn't look their age if their life depended on it.  If I walked into a high school, I'd be mistaken for a student.  I have been hanging out on this planet for 25 years, a whole quarter of a century, and I don't look it.  I know this full well because people comment more on my youthful appearance than they do on my headcovering and hearing loss combinedI thought my wedding ring would put a stop to that, but nope.  I started getting comments along the lines of "Aren't you a little young to be married?"  Ishkabibble!

I found out that my local library has this new program where you can "read down" your late fees.  Now THAT's my kind of program.  I could read my late fees into oblivion in no time.  Unfortunately, this program is only open to children ages 17 and under.  Irrational Kati began coming up with all kinds of reasons why I should be considered youthful enough to participate in this program:

Sometimes I look like I'm about 17.

I still have to wear a retainer at night.

Coloring is awesome.

I can act extremely childish (just about everyone who knows me can vouch for this one!)

I don't plan on trying to crash this program.  But I will allow myself a moment of frustration since I feel I have been unfairly discriminated against on acount of my age :P.