Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Book List for Grades 3-5

Here is my list for grades 3-5.  The carpal tunnel isn’t nearly as bad as when I wrote the first book list, so I was able to add descriptions for these books.

-Falcon’s Egg by Luli Gray

A fun fantasy story about a girl who finds an egg in the park.  My third grade teacher read this to my class and I fell in love with it.

-The Night Crossing by Karen Ackerman

I first came across this book when I was in fourth grade.  This is a great book for educating this age group on the Holocaust.  This book would probably be a bit frightening for younger elementary students, but for older elementary grades I’d say it strikes a good balance between expressing the danger of the situation and not being too graphic for children. 

-Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume

Another book that was introduced to me in fourth grade when our teacher read it to the class.  Peter Hatcher is a character that pre-teen age readers will identify with.  Told in first person, Peter gives his account of navigating through fourth grade while coping with his pesky younger brother.

-Superfudge by Judy Blume

The sequel to Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.  I remember I got it from the school library and read the whole thing in one day.  Peter takes on sixth grade and adolescence while adjusting moving and having a new baby in the house.  Fudge is now the middle child, and he’s still finding plenty of ways to get into trouble!

I know my first two book lists have been a bit on the sparse side, but I’m coming up with lots more for the older grades, so sit tight!