Sunday, July 7, 2013

Ask Kati: Headcovering and Hearing Aids

Q: Do you have any advice for fellow hearing aid wearers who want to cover?  Do the hearing aids ever cause problems?

A:  If you wear hearing aids, stay away from prayer caps.  I had a lot of issues when I wore them.  They wouldn't stay on unless I tied them.  I'd have to untie and re-tie them every time I needed to adjust my aids.  In the winter, when I wore two caps for warmth, this became an even bigger hassle.
  I didn't have any problems when I switched to scarves.  I could wear two or even three and I'd still be able to pull back the fabric to adjust as necessary.  I don't wear my aids while I'm tying a scarf.  I put them on after.  If you choose to put them on, turn them off until you're done, because the scarf will sound loud! ;)

The main thing to keep in mind when wearing a scarf over hearing aids is the tightness of the fabric.  Don't wrap the scarf too tightly over your head, or it will be very difficult to pull back the fabric when you need to adjust your aids.  I've also been asked if I can comfortably have my ears out of the scarf.  It's perfectly comfortable, but on days I'm wearing glasses, it looks and feels kind of bulky, so I don't recommend having your ears out if you wear glasses. 

I imagine these tips would also work for cochlear implants.  I don't have one, so I can't say for sure, but I imagine it'd be best to put the processor on beforehand and wear the magnet under the scarf.