Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Love/Hate Update for 2/13/13

I know I have been beyond horrible in terms of blogging consistency.  I have been going through a lot, spiritually and otherwise, and I haven't been sure of what to share and what is best kept off the internet.  I have been having a lot of thoughts and honest questions on headcovering and other subjects.  I want to blog about all that as soon as I can get my thoughts together.  For now, I will do another love/hate update for the past couple weeks. 

-a wonderful birthday date night with my husband!
-my dad has been done with chemo for over a month
-being able to stay connected with my sister via texting and the internet
-the birthday box I received from my sister today

-feeling the unpopularity that comes with being Christian and anti-military and anti-violence, especially with the rising number of professing Christians who want to rush out and buy guns

-having lots of honest questions about spiritual matters and not knowing where to find the answers

-all the prejudice, misunderstanding, and animosity I receive from professing Christians because of my decision to cover my head.  I expect that from non-Christians, but I get it from Christians way more often.