Monday, December 16, 2013

Silence Is Golden. So Shut Up!

I'm really trying hard to not complain about things that, in the grand scheme of things, don't really matter. But what happened today does not fit that description by any means. I am so hurt and horrified by what happened today. And I was even more horrified when some of you mentioned on Facebook that you'd had similar experiences.

I was at the Starbucks in a Barnes and Noble. As the cashier was ringing up my coffee, she asked if I wanted to purchase any gift cards. When I told her “no thanks”, she then asked if I wanted to purchase one of the books on the counter, explaining that the proceeds from those books went toward providing books for disadvantaged children. Had money allowed, I would have happily purchased ten of those books. But it just wasn't in the budget this time around, so I gave another polite “No, thanks.”

I have never experienced anything like what happened next. She asked me if I was serious, and how could I be so selfish. At the time I couldn't do anything other than pick up my coffee without saying a word and just walking over to an empty table. I was in too much shock and I had too much other stuff on my mind to really process it.

But now it's several hours after the fact, and I want to share what I wish I'd have been able to say to her:

You met me five minutes ago. You don't know anything about me. You don't know that I've been to hell and back. You don't know all the choices I've made in my life. I've made some stupid ones, but I've also made some incredibly selfless ones. If I say I can't afford a book right now, you have no business calling me a liar. I have been in your life for exactly five minutes, if that. If you are a Christian, your behavior today is a stain on the honor of what it means to represent Christ. I suggest you reread the story about the widow and the copper coins.

Since you clearly had nothing nice to say, the nicest thing you could have done was shut up.”

And the thing that really pisses me off is, I can be plenty judgmental. So if someone is judgmental enough to make me look good, I don't know what that says about them. We really need to stop judging people. I'm saying this to myself as much as anyone else.

And if we slip up and judge someone, let's at least have the common sense not to let it come out of our mouths.